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›Sustainability‹ is the great zeitgeist formula of our time. And that's exactly where lies, we are convinced, a fundamental misunderstanding.

Because all too often 'sustainability' is just a marketing phrase, an empty phrase in corporate communications and, last but not least, a pure assertion by politicians if they only have an eye on the here and now . In the process, 'sustainability' becomes an opaque fog of environmental awareness and innovation frenzy, ideally suitable for obscuring fundamental questions. For example, the question of whether a better future can really succeed solely through breathless technical innovation. Or the question of whether what has gone before must inhibit progress.

With "Up!" we want to question the common claims of sustainability . Because we don't have the answers to the most urgent questions of our time either. But we have the sincere will to seek them.

For us it is clear: real sustainability can only be achieved by combining experiences, presence of mind and visions for the future - or to put it another way : in a seamless Connection of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

For us, the "and" is central: preserve and renew, look back and forward. And above all: the beautiful and the meaningful. Because whoever sacrifices the beautiful to the good has already lost a future worth living in.

Last but not least, sustainability needs sincerity. Yes, "Empor!" is also a place for anyone who loves vintage cars. And, no, we are by no means claiming that vintage automobiles are low-emission. But when it comes to sustainability, it's always about a balance sheet. We think there is a lot to learn from the past , in aesthetics as much as in engineering. And last but not least is in

classic cars a forward-looking philosophy: conscious travelling.

That's why "Empor!" is not a museum. Rather, we offer those who see visions as an invitation to have plenty of room to let their ideas for a better future become real : through co-working and co-living, events and encounters, and last but not least the most important fuels of progress:


Space and time.

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